Title : Paula Deen Partners w/ Savannah Public Schools, World responds, "Are you crazy?"
link : Paula Deen Partners w/ Savannah Public Schools, World responds, "Are you crazy?"
Paula Deen Partners w/ Savannah Public Schools, World responds, "Are you crazy?"
In what I'm sure elicited a collective "huh?" and a downpour of tears from Jamie Oliver, the public school system in Savannah, Georgia has partnered with Paula Deen to create a new culinary arts school.
Say bye-bye to you chicken nuggets, kiddies... they don't have enough butter in 'em!
"Officials say the school's curriculum will be based on state standards and the recommendations of Paula Deen, the television celebrity chef whose cookbook doctors named the most artery-clogging of the past decade."
Deen set the record straight with a beautifully worded statement: "There's a dillusion [sic] out there. What people see me having fun with on my show is totally separated from actuality."
I'll believe it when I see it, Miss D!
For all you parents out there, how happy would you be to hear Paula was your kids' new lunch lady?!
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