Title : You're Not Off the Hook, Adam or Lisa
link : You're Not Off the Hook, Adam or Lisa
You're Not Off the Hook, Adam or Lisa
I may be a little hard on Aaron, but don't think I thought Adam or Lisa did any better last night.This whole "I feel like I'm back in school" / "I have a hard time memorizing things" bullshizz from Lisa and Adam's "big risk" of smoking meat, yet again, failed to impress me.
I don't think memorizing ten words is that impossible of a mission, regardless what type of ADD/ADHD one might possess. Plus, weren't you holding the card with the lines on it, Lisa!
And while Aaron's major buzzkill of a presentation may have made it a bit difficult for Adam to follow, I think he could have thought of something other than "Hello Vegas!" (Maybe a Siegfried and Roy tiger attack joke or something?)
So... I'm still torn. Aaron would be out if they had based the elimination on presentation and food. Lisa's and Adam's food looked good overall, but I don't know if they should win, either.
So is Article You're Not Off the Hook, Adam or Lisa
that is all articles You're Not Off the Hook, Adam or Lisa this time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article post.
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