Title : My Response to Lisa Garza
link : My Response to Lisa Garza
My Response to Lisa Garza
Dear Lisa,Thanks for stopping by. I can tell by reading your comment that you're proud of your accomplishments and are honestly hurt by people writing things about you that you know to be untrue.
And while I understand the natural desire to defend yourself, please know that by attempting to do so you've broken a cardinal rule for reality show contestants: thou shall not try and defend oneself to viewers who don't care to listen or don't understand it's just a TV show.
Some people just think what they want to think and nothing you do can change that. They like being able to categorize the contestants into easily definable characters: hunk, goofy guy, smartie, hyper blond girl, bitch, and so on.
On the other hand, a good majority of us are hoping to see a different side of you than what came out in the first episode. Oftentimes, that's not up to you at all--it's the editors' decision.
If someone bases their hatred of you simply on that edited TV version they saw on episode 1, then there's really no point in trying to reason with them. They don't want to hear it and anything you do will most likely bring about more criticism.
Saying that the "only reason" you did the show was "[...] to use the attention and possible celeb status to [...] feed the homeless, care for impoverished children and make a damn difference in this shitty ass selfish world" makes you sound a bit grandiose. Despite being highly honorable causes, no one's gonna buy that a six episode deal with Food Network will cure world hunger. I understand your argument, but no viewer caught that from watching episode 1 (again, not necessarily your fault).
Perhaps you weren't keen to the fact that you'd get cast in the "bitch" character on the show. One of the reasons they put you on was because they knew people would be talking about you. And lucky for you, the bitch character usually stays on the show for quite a while.
So it really shouldn't come as a surprise that some people are not liking you at this point. That's how the editors framed your character.
But I'm open to discovering more. I'll contact FN and set up an interview soon. Maybe that will change a few minds.
'til then... good luck!
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that is all articles My Response to Lisa Garza this time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article post.
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